with 22 i slipped my disk, now i live in two cities – this object helps me with both.
yesterday i had to pick up my girl, so I couldn’t go for a walk with my chair. at night i dreamed
about my suitcase and realized that with him i recognize layers of the world wich i normally
dont, because i dont have to – sound, stairs, texture of ground.
my suitcase is made for a modern world, likes clean, flat grounds, lifts, places with the sound
of civilization. i feel safe with him at the train station, on my way to the airport, in the tram.
when we leave my home in berlin i can feel the stairs, the distance between my hand holding
the suitcase and the stairs, i feel my neighbors sleeping, i hear the birds singing, and us
beeing way to loud. i feel every crack in the ground.
Ricarda Johanna Schwarz
Vicente Mateus
windy outside
my right eye always
gets somewhat teary when it is windy
outside (it lies in the family)
I have to put down the chair every time
I need to wipe my right eye
The chair is slightly wider than me. We both fit on the stairs side by side, whilst walking down the staircase. I place the chair in front of the canal. In exact this position someone could have stood here watching to the other side or pass exact this location with the bike whilst looking in the same direction, but maybe no one has ever sat here. I feel like I am acting not the way I should or not how the empty benches couple of meters behind me want me to act. I remember feeling the same way, when I picked up a chair after buying it on ebay. I sat on it in the subway.
Cold air
petting my face
reminding me
that summer went by
I feel consciousness diving
to the tip of my hand
walking around the block
carrying a stool
internal anxiety
colliding with public numbness
distracted eyes
though illuminated hands
my body expanded
in an unnatural way
can’t longer rely
on blind perception
Oliver Gudzowski
It was certainly the chair that took me for a walk.
No doubt.
Taking the chair out of my house already felt like a martial arts class. I played with her everywhere and when I got to the apartment door, she dismounted (IKEA Mode)
I set it up quickly, opened a second door that gave access to an interior garden, then a third door that gives access to the Entrance Hall of the Building and finally the fourth and last Door that gave me access to the street.
All these spring-loaded doors were strong and new, which is excellent for safety and terrible for my activity.
On the street, it was an interesting walk. The chair positioned in front of me to make sure I didn’t touch anything.
What I felt was a feeling of spatial discomfort, as I was walking with something more than usual.
My concern for space ended up sometimes making me forget to look at detainees – going down and up sidewalks, stairs, crossing streets.
On the way back I was more comfortable and started creating “shortcuts” to facilitate my entry.
Literally, I left my comfort zone. I stopped knowing the space I occupy and started to have more weight and volume.
Flávio Bastos
I walk with two full glasses of water, one in each hand
Opening the first door was already the first time I spilled some.
I moved way slower through the space trying not to spill water over my hands.
Soon, my hands freeze from all the spilled water.
I notice people looking at me, wondering why the fuck I put so much water in the glasses, but no one comes up and asks me – I’m not sure if I like or dislike that fact.
My eyes get fixed a lot on the glasses in my hands rather on the space around me but I still hear the people and cars.
Moving towards a street to cross I get stressed. I don’t want to spill water so have to move with small steps, but also I don’t want to get hit by a car so I move very fast – with very small steps.
It must look funny – I wonder what the people think – no actually I don’t wonder, my hands are too cold.

detoxing masculinities – questioning social structures with non-binary interventions
private and public space

Mapping her and my vulnerability