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Ana Rodriguez Bisbicus and Rahel Stange

6 degrees outside, it feels like 3 degrees. 

the sun rises at 7.20 am.

the sun sets at 4.20 pm. 

today we have 9 hours of sun. 

the later we start the day the less sun we will see. 

the relation between light and temperature,

 inside and outside, 

afraid of cold, of darkness.

I am nervous already. In 5 minutes it will start. Just a seminar. Just a group of people. 

The digital world makes me feel unsecure, how does the background which will be seen by the group looks like? 

I start to arrange the camera, I arrange my room. How does I look like? 

I sit down, try to enter the digital world. It doesn’t work,— I try again. Part of me doesn’t want the internet to be working. 

A weird feeling of being outside in the cold while being by myself, while being in my room, while entering university. 

What does  physicality means in digital space?  

It works, I enter the call. Even I want to hear what the people are talking about I can not concentrate. I don’t connect to the space. 

I look into the screen. Observing the little image of me and about 20 other images next to mine, all in equal squares. Everybody seems to take the same space. 

I can watch myself constantly, like dancing in front of a mirror, but without the liteness of movement. 

Who controls the space? I can regulate the volume of all your voices, I can switch on, switch off, disappear. 

I feel between seen on fullscreen and invisible. 

I get cold, my feet get cold. my body barely moved the last hour, the sun is already about to set and my room gets dark, while the screen gets brighter. 

I want to be outside, in the world, I am looking for warmth, for connection. 

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fem_arc STUDIO is a workshop series in which students challenge existing power structures in the built environment by learning new design tools.
